Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Feedback Response

Well I have received quite a spike in views and received some outside advice on my blog. Others are stating that they would like to see more a philosophical approach to how I am doing my “self annalistic” approach on positivity. So I have really pondered this thought. I came to the conclusion that if I don’t state what has happened within a day or two or some type of significant event that happens between each post, then I wouldn’t really have a blog on my approach to a positive life.
Like I have said I appreciate every comment that is presented. I really do think into them and see if I need to adjust something within my writing or how I go about perceiving this little project. I want to let everyone know that is reading this frequently or maybe even every so often that I will keep going into this with a “positive” outlook.
I want to change who I am and how I think. I also want other to see my progress and maybe they too can start the change that is needed or wanted within their lives. This change doesn’t necessarily have to be what I am doing, but know that it is possible. Change is what makes this life worth living and it’s the scariest thing to except. If you need help changing ask others or even blog. Blogging has really set a focus on my outlook and has helped me change my thought process, as you can see I have hit 5 days now on my “Positivity Counter”. I hope to reach 10 without an incident, because I know it’s possible and once I hit it I will up the ante.
Well the last couple of days have been interesting to say the least. I have had to struggle to keep a positive outlook within my job and normal day living. I am working forward for a goal, financially, trying to get my debts in order as well as save about $10,000.00 to go on a “two year vacation.”
I was awoken this morning to someone pounding on my window, screaming wake up! Immediately, I thought “who died”, but as I scrambled to the door I realized who it was and it put a smile on my face. I was my best friend since I was 16 (now 21), she is so fantastic. She is going to kill me for mentioning her, but oh well. We went to breakfast and did a little shopping, but throughout the day, I realized that I am completely content with the way my life is going and heading. I know that the future, now, holds some type of light at the end of the tunnel. I just need to keep staying positive and keep writing.
Thanks to all that have viewed my blog and left comments (which isn’t much).  I will continue with this blog and will take everything into consideration. You all enjoy your day. Remember this: One who thinks positively, will have positive things happen to them.
NEXT POST: 10/04/2010 (Long Weekend J)
The Positive Lover

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