Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Just another day

Today I thought I would do something a little different. I made a survey and passed it out at work. I haven’t looked over them yet, but I know at least half the people and the other I don’t know. I am not sure what to expect but I hope that this will help me better understand the people I know and understand some I don’t.
This survey isn’t professional or anything but something that I think might help myself. I informed the people that I might be showing some surveys publicly. I also asked them if they wouldn’t mind me sharing. I hope that I get more Yays then Nays. But who knows.
I guess I want to find out whether most people are genuinely happy or positive most of the time, and hopefully be able to understand why I tend to be of the opposite position.  
Today hasn’t been that great; I had a horrible person, within my line of business, yell at me and call me some crude names. I have never come across that type of person within this job, which took me by surprise.
*Side note*: I have been working here for almost a year and absolutely love my job and it comes with the normal amount of stress any job has. But I tend to go home some nights lost within my day, everything seems to blur and it becomes annoying, lol. Well I am trying to set aside my negativity with everything and it isn’t coming easy.
So the person I came in contact with really set me off and caused me to take a break and play some ping pong (it’s my work outlet as well as personal, but only available at work). I took a lot of frustration out on those games, I am fairly good at the game. Did buy an $85 paddle, I better be alright at the game, but anyways, I am 9-2 for today. I think when I get angry I get more focused. But through ping pong I can manage my anger and negativity, mostly.
Lol, so I have found one technique that helps with my anger and negativity let’s face it who can be anger and positive at the same time. Would that be a sight to see, someone yelling at the top of their lungs in a pent up anger and all they are screaming are positive things, like; I COULD KISS YOU, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, WHAT A DELICIOUS DINNER, OR THE BATHROOM IS REALLY CLEAN. LOL! So I am like half asleep trying my hardest to think through my hectic day and trying to remember if I was able to put a positive spin on the situation. So I am going to gonna go for now, I won’t have access to a computer tell Saturday, 09/18/2010.
NEXT POST: 09/18/2010
The Positive Lover



  2. Was this a co-worker that called you some crude names, or a customer?


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