Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fantastic Day - Late Post for 09/20/2010.

Hey peps, sorry for not following through with the post yesterday. I will explain why.
Okay (takes deep breath). I woke up at 8, got ready, went to my friends house, waited for her to finish getting ready, we drove (separately) to the train, she was dropping her car off there so when I drop her off at the train in the city she can get back to her house from our station, we get there and she forgot her money, I went and got breakfast, she went back home and got her mula, I waited……. She showed up and we went to the mall on the other side of town (hour drive), she found her glasses and purchased them, I bought a belt there, we went back to the main city (SLC, UT), I bought some new Toms! (Love them) and a shirt (wearing currently), we got lunch somewhere in there (California Pizza Kitchen), We got a cookie for dessert, then I dropped her off at the train, then I went and picked up my carpool buddy, and off to work I went. I know it’s a mouth full, hence the deep breath. I hope that this paragraph doesn’t hurt anyone (grammar folks, lol).
So as you can see my day was fairly hectic and busy and once I got to work it just got busier. So I apologize for not posting. I did recently add a “positivity counter” of course you can see the name right on it. But I did this so you can see how well I am doing on day to day bases. It gives me a goal and a want to keep positive. If I have a negative thought and let it steer my day I will start it over, so far so good.
Yesterday would have to have been one of my favorites in a long time. I really think that the breakfast helped as well as the great company. It may have been busy and hectic but I had someone with me that enjoys my company as well as I enjoy hers. Work I have people here that we all just know how to laugh and make light of situations, in my department it’s a key skill, if not you would be going crazy.
I have listened to Owl City- Fireflies like 10 times today, it has really helped me stay in an upbeat and positive mood. I have needed it. I have the survey thing I am doing and it’s almost finished, I was really wanting it to be done sooner than now, and my surprise guest(s) are interviews (audio) and I can’t seem to get them to send to my email address. So I have had some frustration throughout the day but have been able to keep myself positive. I should have everything done and up and running regarding all this within a week’s time.
Side note: Please feel free to leave comments, ideas, or question you may have. I take all criticism and use it to help my writing and maybe my life, depending on the type of comment, etc. Just take it as it comes and use it to whatever it’s applicable.
Have a great night my friends and will be posting very shortly, I’m not giving a specific day this time, have lots to do for the next post, so we will see. (Shooting for Thursday, 09/23/2010).
The Positive Lover

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