Saturday, October 30, 2010


Hey been awhile since I have done this and sorry about that. I know lots of family that like to read this and sorta get in my head. I have made a decision to leave for two years on a LDS (Mormon) mission.

I have come to the conclusion that my positive outlook on life has been something of an Idealistic approach and that I can’t really learn that way. I have realized that the best way to be positive is to think that way and in turn your actions reflect your thinking. I believe that thought is the most powerful thing that we as human beings, we have the power of thought, of coarse we have the instinctual side of our brains and emotions, but we can counter act that with the way we think.

I have come to be happy with my life and therefore I know longer need this blog. I am now saying goodbye to this and everyone that did follow for the VERY brief time it was up thank you! I love every one of you, seriously! Cause I know everyone that has read it.

Everyone I hope that you enjoy your lives and that maybe just maybe I helped or maybe gave some of you hope. Thanks for all those that helped with it and the surveys. You all rock and I will never for get anyone that has been in my life and has helped shaped it.

Signing off for the last time

- The Positive Lover

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Feedback Response

Well I have received quite a spike in views and received some outside advice on my blog. Others are stating that they would like to see more a philosophical approach to how I am doing my “self annalistic” approach on positivity. So I have really pondered this thought. I came to the conclusion that if I don’t state what has happened within a day or two or some type of significant event that happens between each post, then I wouldn’t really have a blog on my approach to a positive life.
Like I have said I appreciate every comment that is presented. I really do think into them and see if I need to adjust something within my writing or how I go about perceiving this little project. I want to let everyone know that is reading this frequently or maybe even every so often that I will keep going into this with a “positive” outlook.
I want to change who I am and how I think. I also want other to see my progress and maybe they too can start the change that is needed or wanted within their lives. This change doesn’t necessarily have to be what I am doing, but know that it is possible. Change is what makes this life worth living and it’s the scariest thing to except. If you need help changing ask others or even blog. Blogging has really set a focus on my outlook and has helped me change my thought process, as you can see I have hit 5 days now on my “Positivity Counter”. I hope to reach 10 without an incident, because I know it’s possible and once I hit it I will up the ante.
Well the last couple of days have been interesting to say the least. I have had to struggle to keep a positive outlook within my job and normal day living. I am working forward for a goal, financially, trying to get my debts in order as well as save about $10,000.00 to go on a “two year vacation.”
I was awoken this morning to someone pounding on my window, screaming wake up! Immediately, I thought “who died”, but as I scrambled to the door I realized who it was and it put a smile on my face. I was my best friend since I was 16 (now 21), she is so fantastic. She is going to kill me for mentioning her, but oh well. We went to breakfast and did a little shopping, but throughout the day, I realized that I am completely content with the way my life is going and heading. I know that the future, now, holds some type of light at the end of the tunnel. I just need to keep staying positive and keep writing.
Thanks to all that have viewed my blog and left comments (which isn’t much).  I will continue with this blog and will take everything into consideration. You all enjoy your day. Remember this: One who thinks positively, will have positive things happen to them.
NEXT POST: 10/04/2010 (Long Weekend J)
The Positive Lover

Monday, September 27, 2010

[Insert YOUR title here]

Well as you can see the title is a little different today. I have come up, with the help of friends, ways to step back and help you move into a more positive frame of thinking once you have come across something that really gets your gears grinding. Here are the steps, make them your own and twist, morph, completely destroy and rebuild these steps that help YOU! But here is a great start:
1.       Stop, inhale and exhale.
2.       Distract yourself with music, a workout, hiking, meditate, just ultimately clear your mind.
3.       Let someone or something know.
4.       If your still stuck in that state of mind, repeat steps 1-3.
5.       Define and revisit the situation from a different point of view.
6.       Think: Will this affect me for any amount of time?
7.       Find a reasonable and livable solution, remember there isn’t just one!
8.       Learn from this and move forward
9.       BE POSITIVE!
 So this is what I have been using and it is really affective for me. Like I said make it your own and use it. Being a positive person really helps things, like being able to bounce back from a hard day and know that you help someone or even yourself.
I have to cut this post short, but I really hope the best for everyone and please feel free to ask me questions at anytime and I will do my best to answer. You’re all great!
NEXT POST: 09/29/2010
The Positive Lover

Thursday, September 23, 2010

First Bump in the Road

Last night I got home and there was a notice on my door for a $25.00, for my BLINDS being in bad shape and need to be replaced. Then I was charged for being charged, that was $25.00. So I have a $50.00 fee to pay my apartment. BEACAUSE OF MY BLINDS, come on, really? I just think its retarded, but whatever. So therefore I reset my Positivity Counter. I lost it when I saw that. They really nickel and dime you where I live.
Today was freaking insane at my work place as well. Only 2 people on my team taking calls and normally we have 5, so it was call after call, and it was hard to assist the customer’s in a quick manner and efficiently. Not to mention we had to follow up with other customers that we were working with, which there was hardly any time to do so.
On the other hand I got all my results for the survey I had. It was to see how positive someone is. I had a total of 40 takers; 20 Female and 20 Male, here are the results:
Under 1-5
Average 6-10
Above 11-15
Under 1-5
Average 6-10
Above 11-15

Under 1-5
Average 6-10
Above 11-15

As you can see most feel within the average and only one was really negative. 12 were pretty high. The highest that I had scored was Mary (Age 19), she scored a 14/15. The second highest was tied; Kylee (Age 19) and Matt (Age 26), they scored 13/15. The lowest wants to remain anonymous, but it was a Female and she scored 5.
These results were surprising, since I created the test and it is not at all professionally done, and slightly skewed to my opinions. I was shocked to see a trend, I didn’t expect this at all. It made me realize that everyone is closely similar on a positivity scale.
Regarding the guest, I can’t seem to figure out how to get my MP3s to run properly on my blog, once I get it working properly you will have a couple of friends joining me for a brief moment. Well I need to leave work, getting kicked out.
NEXT POST: 09/27/2010
Have a fantastic weekend. Remember to try and focus your positivity, being positive really makes life seem better.
The Positive Lover

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fantastic Day - Late Post for 09/20/2010.

Hey peps, sorry for not following through with the post yesterday. I will explain why.
Okay (takes deep breath). I woke up at 8, got ready, went to my friends house, waited for her to finish getting ready, we drove (separately) to the train, she was dropping her car off there so when I drop her off at the train in the city she can get back to her house from our station, we get there and she forgot her money, I went and got breakfast, she went back home and got her mula, I waited……. She showed up and we went to the mall on the other side of town (hour drive), she found her glasses and purchased them, I bought a belt there, we went back to the main city (SLC, UT), I bought some new Toms! (Love them) and a shirt (wearing currently), we got lunch somewhere in there (California Pizza Kitchen), We got a cookie for dessert, then I dropped her off at the train, then I went and picked up my carpool buddy, and off to work I went. I know it’s a mouth full, hence the deep breath. I hope that this paragraph doesn’t hurt anyone (grammar folks, lol).
So as you can see my day was fairly hectic and busy and once I got to work it just got busier. So I apologize for not posting. I did recently add a “positivity counter” of course you can see the name right on it. But I did this so you can see how well I am doing on day to day bases. It gives me a goal and a want to keep positive. If I have a negative thought and let it steer my day I will start it over, so far so good.
Yesterday would have to have been one of my favorites in a long time. I really think that the breakfast helped as well as the great company. It may have been busy and hectic but I had someone with me that enjoys my company as well as I enjoy hers. Work I have people here that we all just know how to laugh and make light of situations, in my department it’s a key skill, if not you would be going crazy.
I have listened to Owl City- Fireflies like 10 times today, it has really helped me stay in an upbeat and positive mood. I have needed it. I have the survey thing I am doing and it’s almost finished, I was really wanting it to be done sooner than now, and my surprise guest(s) are interviews (audio) and I can’t seem to get them to send to my email address. So I have had some frustration throughout the day but have been able to keep myself positive. I should have everything done and up and running regarding all this within a week’s time.
Side note: Please feel free to leave comments, ideas, or question you may have. I take all criticism and use it to help my writing and maybe my life, depending on the type of comment, etc. Just take it as it comes and use it to whatever it’s applicable.
Have a great night my friends and will be posting very shortly, I’m not giving a specific day this time, have lots to do for the next post, so we will see. (Shooting for Thursday, 09/23/2010).
The Positive Lover

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Survey News, etc.

Like I previously stated on Wednesday I created a survey to try and get some information from people on a general bases. My results so far are surprising to me. Once I collect some more data I will have an update for whoever reads this silly, positive journal blog. Don’t get me wrong I love this. I love writing and knowing that just maybe I am putting a smile on someone’s face or making someone really think.

Regarding the survey I want to say that I have some interesting feedback and actually quite surprised how well I know someone and the survey seems to fit the results for that person. The people I don’t know and the results that come up seem to be somewhat accurate, according to others that know the people I am not friends with.
Anyways, today sorta started bad; I woke up to a friend pounding my window and had to shower. She wanted to go grab breakfast before I went to work, ugh! I hate waking up and rushing, worst feeling ever! Then we get to subway and they totally screw up our breakfast. Now, since I have started this blog I have been really trying to find silver lining, if you will, but I just couldn’t.
I train to work every day to try and save gas/money/the environment. So I was going to drive there but had to get a ride. Now when I get home my ride there will be at work and I have to walk for about an hour. I love walking but this morning it just seemed daunting.
I get into a pretty nasty fight (verbally) with my friend, get on the train headed to work and just have a pounding headache. Well I end up realizing I was a royal doo doo head. I called her back and we discussed what happened and ended up making plans for later tonight. I really hope that this new leaf I am turning, works out to my benefit. This way I can be a nicer person to myself as well as others. I have realized if you’re not happy, you can’t really help others be happy. I need to take some time and focus on myself and in turn I can help others. It is what I want to do for a living so I better start that change now.
Next time on “Positive Living”, I will go over the survey more in depth and hopefully I will have surprise guest or two, we’ll see. Enjoy your weekend everyone!
PS: I will be having somewhat of an adventure on Monday, wish me luck! I really hope it’s fantastically positive.
NEXT POST: 09/20/2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Just another day

Today I thought I would do something a little different. I made a survey and passed it out at work. I haven’t looked over them yet, but I know at least half the people and the other I don’t know. I am not sure what to expect but I hope that this will help me better understand the people I know and understand some I don’t.
This survey isn’t professional or anything but something that I think might help myself. I informed the people that I might be showing some surveys publicly. I also asked them if they wouldn’t mind me sharing. I hope that I get more Yays then Nays. But who knows.
I guess I want to find out whether most people are genuinely happy or positive most of the time, and hopefully be able to understand why I tend to be of the opposite position.  
Today hasn’t been that great; I had a horrible person, within my line of business, yell at me and call me some crude names. I have never come across that type of person within this job, which took me by surprise.
*Side note*: I have been working here for almost a year and absolutely love my job and it comes with the normal amount of stress any job has. But I tend to go home some nights lost within my day, everything seems to blur and it becomes annoying, lol. Well I am trying to set aside my negativity with everything and it isn’t coming easy.
So the person I came in contact with really set me off and caused me to take a break and play some ping pong (it’s my work outlet as well as personal, but only available at work). I took a lot of frustration out on those games, I am fairly good at the game. Did buy an $85 paddle, I better be alright at the game, but anyways, I am 9-2 for today. I think when I get angry I get more focused. But through ping pong I can manage my anger and negativity, mostly.
Lol, so I have found one technique that helps with my anger and negativity let’s face it who can be anger and positive at the same time. Would that be a sight to see, someone yelling at the top of their lungs in a pent up anger and all they are screaming are positive things, like; I COULD KISS YOU, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, WHAT A DELICIOUS DINNER, OR THE BATHROOM IS REALLY CLEAN. LOL! So I am like half asleep trying my hardest to think through my hectic day and trying to remember if I was able to put a positive spin on the situation. So I am going to gonna go for now, I won’t have access to a computer tell Saturday, 09/18/2010.
NEXT POST: 09/18/2010
The Positive Lover

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Beginning

Well today I have set up a Blog and want to be able to (try and) change the worlds perspective on our outlook into life. Why do we insist on sucking up all the negative, dreadful things in this life. The news is full of the negativity and seems to capture this without failure. I am not asking for a perfect world nor would I want life to have perfection, its just to idealistic. But I think I can change my perspective and in the long run effect the lives that I come in contact with.

I was watching the VMAs last night and loved it, but I noticed something. Everyone seems to want to be a critic. That entire show was honoring the great, which it's nice to be recognized. But the entire time the other people that were around me were making all sorts of negative and rude comments, I of coarse ignored them and agreed with them to just keep them out of my hair. I realize that we just can't seem to be satisfied with everyone.

We just judge, and have to make sure that we are perfect due to that reason. I was told by a girl onetime that the "only" reason she didn't like me was cause I squint when I laugh or smile. (She doesn't know this) From that day forward I didn't really smile or laugh, cause I was then self consciences.

I really hope that I change, this is what I am hoping; to have confidence, to not care what others think, but I want to care for others and help them through their trials. I want to be able to put a smile on others faces, I want to be able to move forward into life with the bright hope that this thing we call life becomes peaceful and no one will be judged or criticized. I want to be successful in helping others and I know I can be.

Someone once told me that I can be whatever I want to be, to this day I have an idea but am not completely sure. All I know is that I get joy out of helping others and I love with all my heart, each and every person that I come in contact with.

I hope that I can bring joy into others lives, I know that this is the only way to be truly be happy.



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