Saturday, October 30, 2010


Hey been awhile since I have done this and sorry about that. I know lots of family that like to read this and sorta get in my head. I have made a decision to leave for two years on a LDS (Mormon) mission.

I have come to the conclusion that my positive outlook on life has been something of an Idealistic approach and that I can’t really learn that way. I have realized that the best way to be positive is to think that way and in turn your actions reflect your thinking. I believe that thought is the most powerful thing that we as human beings, we have the power of thought, of coarse we have the instinctual side of our brains and emotions, but we can counter act that with the way we think.

I have come to be happy with my life and therefore I know longer need this blog. I am now saying goodbye to this and everyone that did follow for the VERY brief time it was up thank you! I love every one of you, seriously! Cause I know everyone that has read it.

Everyone I hope that you enjoy your lives and that maybe just maybe I helped or maybe gave some of you hope. Thanks for all those that helped with it and the surveys. You all rock and I will never for get anyone that has been in my life and has helped shaped it.

Signing off for the last time

- The Positive Lover


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